I am a clothes finding ninja. {bows slowly}

As we sat down for coffee a couple of weeks ago, my friend Katie said to me “you like looking at websites for children’s clothes, right?” It was disappointing to hear this from a woman who has become a great friend of mine over the last three years (we paid to be each other’s friend we met at NCT classes) as when she said that, I felt like she DIDN’T KNOW ME AT ALL.

Dur, HELLOOOOOOO, of COURSE I freaking love looking at websites for children’s clothes. That was a question wasted on her part.

Once I had said (all blasé) that I didn’t mind faffing around in the internet looking at clothes, she replied “good, I need a hoodie. For the boys. Can you find me one? Or actually, two?”

And so, the first “find me a….” post was born. Katie’s criteria for the hoodie was as follows:
– not dark, or grey, or navy.
– must be in bright colours.
– must be a zip through hoodie, not a pull-over-your-kids-head-whilst-they-scream-blue-bloody-murder type jumper.
– May have pictures or motifs on it, and possibly characters.
– must not break bank as two need to be bought.

EASY. I am a Children’s Clothes Ninja, and this will be an easy first win.

Not quite so.

There are plenty of hoodies out there, but lots are dark, or grey, or navy (for of course, it is nearly winter and we must all HIBERNATE). There are plenty of bright coloured sweatshirts out there, but they do not have hoods, nor do they have zips.

This was actually a lot harder than I had originally thought. Still, like I say, I am a NINJA, and I was determined to see this through. I armed myself with a list of websites and brands and set to work – this is what I found:

find me a.... hoodie (#1) - from www.littlekidstyle.com


find me a... hoodie (#2) - from www.littlekidstyle.com


So what do you think? I’m not saying that I actively like *all* the hoodies here, but they all meet the criteria and I think (hope) Katie will like at least one of them enough to go spend her money. My personal favourite out of these is the Maxomorra Locomotive hoodie – it’s *so* colourful, and I love the print.  I also know that Katie’s son Charlie is obsessed with trains, so he will love the train print on the hoodie. I know Charlie loves Thomas The Tank Engine, and far be it from me to impose my own No Character Clothing on another person’s son, but I think this strikes a nice balance of having a motif without it being Thomas’ dimwit face gurning back at you. No offence, Thomas.

I also particular like both of the Boden shaggy lined hoodies – they look sooooo warm! These will be great for winter – these layered with a gilet and you’d be great for a sunny winter’s day. And one final shout out to OshKosh B’Gosh, whose dungarees I CURSED as a child (it is one of my earliest memories, refusing to put a pair of them on for my dad) – what amazing value hoodies! My sister in law bought a navy one for Otis a while back and he has just started wearing it – it’s such lovely material, and has washed really well.

If *you* are looking for a particular piece or item of clothing for your little one, or hell, even for you! (Let’s diversify, shall we?!?) then just let me know and I’ll feature it on the blog. Let me prove my ninja abilities!*

I’d love to hear what you think of my selections – why not post a comment below?

Lucy x

* these ninja abilities only apply to finding clothes, mostly on the internet. Ninja abilities do not extend to chasing men with guns, nor saving kittens from trees. Terms and conditions will apply if I am forced to make some up.

EDIT: A friend on Facebook pointed out to me that I had left her hanging by not saying which hoodie my friend bought! I’m obviously a top class ninja as my friend bought the maxomorra hoodie! And I’m obviously also a bad influence as she bought this green stars one as well!

4 thoughts on “I am a clothes finding ninja. {bows slowly}

  1. Would love to have some ideas where to find soft leggings suitable for my baby boy. H&M do some awesome unisex sets with leggings but would love some other options too. Baby is 7mo but a big boy, wearing 9-12m at the moment… Fran x


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